Learning Outcomes, Learning Activities and Assessment
Course description
GECW4022 is a student-orientated course for College students in Year 2, 3 or 4 (but with initial preparation in the preceding spring term), in which students in small groups will carry out voluntary social and civic service activities, with project proposal approved beforehand by the teacher(s) responsible for this course together with the Chair of the GE Committee and Chair of the Service Committee of the College, before the service project takes place. With preparation in the preceding term and most of the work done in the summer (or earlier), each group will make an oral presentation and submit a written report in Term 1, in the 2nd, 3rd or 4th year of study. |
Goals and learning outcome
In line with the Vision Statement of the College to be ‘involved’, students will be encouraged to participate in social and community services that reflect their interests and engage their passions; they may also make use of their own skills and aptitudes in the service of others. Through such service opportunities, students will learn and grow, and develop responsibility and leadership. The course is also meant to (with suitable revisions in the next few years) satisfy University requirements on Service Learning. (1) An appreciation of some of the wider issues in society (either local, regional, national or global), and an interest and ability to engage with these issues in a mature and scholarly manner (V, K) (2) A rudimentary ability to plan, organise and evaluate service projects, and through that experience the ability to engage with broader issues not related to the major subject, and basic knowledge of research methodology (S, K) (3) The willingness and ability to work in a team with members drawn from different backgrounds (V, S) (4) An appreciation of plural values and conflicting choices in society, and a recognition that all choices involve consequences; an appreciation of the value of personal contributions to issue in society (V) (5) The ability to collect and analyse data, to reflect on service experience, to synthesise ideas and to present arguments in both oral and written forms, at a level appropriate to a university graduate (S) K = knowledge; S = skill; V = value |
Learning activities | ||||||||||||
The learning activities will consist of three parts
[1] This component is intended to assess the progress by stages, whereas the outcome of the research will be assessed through the oral presentation and written report. [2] These components will be graded on an individual basis, whereas the other components will be graded principally on a group basis, although there may be minor individual adjustments if there are significant differences in the quality of the work of the different team members. [3] This component refers to participation in the tutorial discussions in those sessions when the student in question is not in the group that is making the presentation. The assessment will not be based simply on the degree of participation, but on its quality and contribution. [4] These components will be graded first on a team basis, and then adjusted individually on the basis of each student’s contribution. |
College Office
G/F, CW Chu College
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong SAR