Term-Time Exchange Programmes 2025–26
CW Chu College aims to be Intimate, International, Intellectual and Involved. Academic exchange provides the opportunity for international as well as Mainland exposure, and for stretching intellectual horizons through experience in other academic institutions.
Inbound Exchange
While students will naturally think about opportunities to take part in outbound exchange, it should not be forgotten that welcoming and mixing with incoming exchange students is also a valuable opportunity. CW Chu College has started receiving incoming exchange students in the academic year 2013–14, and their presence helps create the cultural diversity in the College.
University-wide Outbound Opportunities
CUHK has developed exchange partnership with over 280 institutions in over 30 destinations. These are managed by the Office of Academic Links (OAL) , whose webpage should be considered for more information, including the dates for application.
CUHK Outgoing Exchange Programmes (2025–26) – Application and Selection Schedule
The online application for programmes administrated by OAL (University-wide as well as departmental) is 2–29 October 2024. Interested students are required to submit a separate application to OAL and follow the standard application procedures. Please refer to the PDF below for the application and selection schedule of U-wide Exchange Programmes.
Getting Ready / Important Points To Note
Students who would like to apply for outbound exchange programmes (both U-wide and College ones) are reminded to take note of the following:
Study the application requirements (e.g. language, GPA, TOEFL/ IELTS scores required) of the host institutions carefully.
Most host institutions require applicants to provide valid TOEFL/ IELTS score report(s) at the time of application, so students who have not yet taken these tests have to check for the coming test dates and prepare for enrolment.
Only TOEFL / IELTS scores from tests on or after 1 September 2023 are valid for the application of both College and U-wide exchange programmes (2025–26).
Check the programmes offered to exchange students at the host institutions; students who want to apply for credit transfer are required to explore the application procedures and details with their home departments at CUHK.
Minimum course load requirement for exchange participation: CUHK students in the new curriculum must enroll in a minimum of 9 units of courses per term (or equivalent, except summer term) during exchange.
Take note of the application deadline and interview date be announced via mass email) for College Exchange Programmes 2025–26.
Revision of student exchange remarks on CUHK transcripts: The statement of exchange participation under the “Remarks” column at the end of CUHK transcripts will be revised to “Attended < Name of Institution> as exchange student in <Academic Term and Year> in partial fulfilment of the requirements of this degree”. A complete academic record of this degree programme should include the academic transcript from the exchange university to be provided separately by the student.
For students who are in their final year in 2024–25:
Special Reminders from OAL and the Registration and Examinations Section (RES) for Students Who Wish to Participate in a Term-Time Exchange after Their Expected Graduation Date:
i) Students under this category must NOT have earned all credit units required for graduation before they go on exchange.
- According to Regulation 12.1 of Regulations Governing Full-time Undergraduate Studies, all CUHK undergraduate students who have satisfied all graduation requirements shall graduate.
- Please go to CUSIS to check your Academic Advisement Report and plan ahead for your study before applying for exchange programmes.
- According to 5.1 of Regulations Governing Full-time Undergraduate Studies, every CUHK student shall take at least 9 units of courses in any term and pay full tuition for each term within the normative study period.
- For students who are expected to graduate in Term 2, 2024–25, if your outgoing exchange application is successful in the first placement round, you will receive an exchange offer from the College on 27 January 2025, receive an exchange offer from the College which is subject to approval of your change of expected graduation term from the Registration and Examinations Section (RES). RES will, after the e-add/drop period of Term 2 of 2024–25 (i.e., around early February 2025), email you the application instructions for change of expected graduation term. Should it be shown on CUSIS that you have registered/completed courses to earn all credit units required for graduation at the time, your application for change of expected graduation term will not be approved and your exchange offer/nomination will be cancelled.
ii) Students under this category can go on exchange for one academic term only which must take place immediately after your last active academic term (excluding summer term) at CUHK, i.e., Term 1 of 2025–26.
Briefing Session
CW Chu College has organized a special information session to help its students:
Induction Session on U-wide and College Exchange Programmes (2025–26)
Date: 8 October 2024 (Tuesday)
Time: 7:30 – 8:30 pm
Venue: Activity Rooms

College Outbound Exchange Opportunities
CW Chu College will have 15 one-term opportunities of its own for 2025–26, for bidding by its students. Thus, apart from competing for University opportunities as described above, CW Chu College students will have a very good chance to go on exchange in the coming year. This is a golden opportunity, and there is the need to plan early: both as to applications and also the overall study plan in all four years.
The 15 one-term exchange opportunities for academic year 2025–26 are offered by the following institutions.

Remarks: Soka University will provide a scholarship of 40,000 yen per month for 11 months to the selected CWC student.

Utrecht University
The exchange programme of University College Utrecht is exclusive to CWC students. It is suitable for students with liberal arts or science background.

The exchange programme of Utrecht University is open to all CUHK students of various disciplines. It has a lower admission requirement compared to the University College Utrecht.

Application Requirements and Details
Please study the requirements and restrictions of the host institutions in the PDF files below carefully before submission of your application.
Application and Important Information (Round 2)
Please refer to the PDF below for the application and important information of the College Exchange Programme 2025–26:
Application Period (Round 2)
6–11 February 2025 (Tuesday, 12:00nn)
Interview (Round 2)
Qualified applicants may be invited for a zoom interview by the External Links and Exchange Committee on 13 February 2025. Detailed arrangements of the interview will be sent to each applicant via individual email.
Announcement of Results
The College Office will announce the application results via email to all applicants on 14 February 2025.
Financial Support
i) Provided by OAL
CUHK students who are going on exchange can apply for financial support under the CUHK Student Exchange Financial Aid and Scholarship Scheme (FASS) managed by the Office of Academic Links (OAL). Please refer to the webpage of OAL for more information. (https://www.oal.cuhk.edu.hk/scholarshipsandfinancialaid/)
ii) Provided by College
CW Chu College may also offer top-up financial support to students participating in outgoing exchange programmes:
- For College exchange programmes: The College will invite students accepted offers of College exchange programmes to submit applications for College Exchange Scholarships. Application details will be announced by mass email in Term 2, 2025–26.
- CWC Students who successfully complete College exchange programmes at Aarhus University and Eötvös Loránd University may receive a College Exchange Scholarship of up to HK$15,000; while those who go for exchange at Utrecht University, University College Utrecht and Brandeis University may be granted a College Exchange Scholarship of up to HK$20,000. The exact amount of scholarships approved will be subject to the academic performance of the students concerned; fulfilment of the basic credit requirements set by CUHK; and other subsidies/ scholarships received for the same exchange programmes.
- For U-wide exchange programmes: Students who secure U-wide slots administered by OAL may also submit application for College exchange scholarships.
- Exchange scholarships for needy students: A new exchange scholarship with a maximum of $50,000 (per award) has been established to support needy students who wish to take part in outbound exchange. Selection will be based on both need and merit basis. The academic performance of the applicant and his/her contributions to the College will also be considered.
- Students joining College exchange programmes are required to fulfill the minimum course load requirement set by CUHK (e. 9 units of courses per term and passing at least 6 of them per term or the equivalent) during their exchange periods. Students who fail to meet this basic requirement will NOT be granted College exchange scholarships/ subsidies or such offers will be withdrawn by the College.
Arrangements on Hostel Accommodation & Communal Dining for Outgoing Exchange Students
- Students who have been granted a confirmed offer by the College/ OAL/ any other CUHK units for participation in term-time exchange programmes are required to i) apply for suspension of studies via their home departments and the Registration and Examinations Section well in advance and
ii) submit a special application for exemption from hostel lodging and communal dining during their exchange periods to the College for formal approval by 31 May of the previous academic year. Details will be announced by the College via email.
- Based on the mutual agreements between CUHK/CWC and their exchange partners, the hostel place released by an outgoing exchange student of CWC will be allocated to an incoming exchange student.
- The gap in residence due to participation in U-wide/ College/ departmental exchange programmes will still be counted as part of the four-year guaranteed hostel residence (less than 4 years of hostel entitlement for students who are admitted with Advanced Standing) offered by College to the CWC student concerned. Should the student want a hostel place beyond the period of entitlement, he/ she is required to submit a special application to the Student Affairs Committee for consideration by following the standard guidelines and deadline set by the College. That application, if received, will be reviewed together with all other similar applications by the Committee. Details and relevant clauses of such kind of special applications will be announced via email in due course.
College Office
G/F, CW Chu College
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong SAR