College Advising
CW Chu College has put in an advisory system to help students navigate through their studies and life at the University. The College advisory system complements the academic advising in faculties and departments, and will focus more on areas of personal growth other than subject-specific studies. The objective is to ensure that every student will progress at the normal rate and graduate in time, unless there are intrinsic academic or health reasons beyond the ability of the College to deal with.
Advising Arrangements
I) For Year 1 Students
i) Master Meets New Students
The key spirit of student advising in a small college is personal contact: the College hopes to get to know each student, and to find out their individual needs. Thus the College Master, the Dean of Students (DoS) and the Warden will meet all first-year students (in groups) within the first few weeks of the term, in an informal/ social context, to develop a sense of familiarity and to encourage students to come forward when help is needed.
ii) Extended Orientation
An Extended Orientation to be held during the first few weeks of Term 1 will deal with adjustments to university life: time management, stress management, attitudes to studying, avenues for help.
iii) College Website
The College website also provides links to offices and resources from which help may be sought.
II) For Students of All Years
i) Office Hours with DoS
The DoS is always here to listen and give advice to CWC students’ concerns, and connect them to different available resources that would help them resolve issues ranging from academic challenges, mental unwellness, to interpersonal difficulties at the University. All CWC students, including incoming exchange students, are welcome to register their time slots for individual meetings with the DoS via Doodle Poll, details will be announced via the College’s mass email.
ii) Meetings with Student Representatives
The Master, DoS and Warden would take the initiative to meet with representatives from different CWC student associations (e.g. Representative Council of the CWCSU, Residents Association, CWC Service Team etc.), and students from different cultural backgrounds for discussion of and hearing their views on various College matters at appropriate times.
iii) For Special Case
If a special student case comes up, other than meeting with the student concerned to better understand his/ her situation, the DoS may also assign a suitable College teacher to provide more individualized attention. This teacher usually comes from the same Faculty/Department as the student if the needs have an academic component; or with a same cultural background if the issues are non-academic and more personal. In certain cases, it may be necessary to match the gender. Since circumstances will vary, the assignment will be made on a case-by-case basis by the DoS. Where there are specific needs, the College will work also with other units such as the home department of the student, or the Student Affairs Office (OSA).
College Office
G/F, CW Chu College
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong SAR