Mr. CHAN Raymond
Mr. CHAN Raymond 陳偉文
After graduation from the University of London in 1984, Mr Raymond Chan has taken up management positions in Jing Mei Industrial Limited specializing in the electroplating industry over 28 years. At present, he is the President of the Jing Mei Group of Companies. All these years, he has been unremittingly taking courses in surface-finishing technologies and participating in various symposiums to strengthen his expertise and enhance the quality of company products. This has earned him trust and recognition from customers and peer industrialists.
Mr Chan has taken up a number of public offices serving the community and industry. He was granted the Hong Kong Young Industrialist Award by the Federation of Hong Kong Industries in 2001 and was conferred the Honorary Fellowship by the Professional Validation Council of Hong Kong Industries (PVCHK) in 2005.
College Office
G/F, CW Chu College
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong SAR