

- 所謂首四年是指你在中大修讀的第一個本科學位起計的8個學期。暑假課程的住宿安排則會分開處理。
- 你仍在常規修業期限內。若為按認可資歷入讀的本科生,或以高年級入學,你的常規修業期限可能少於四年/八個學期,因此我們未必會提供四年/八個學期的宿位。
- 所有住宿空檔期也會被計入四年宿位,其中包括任何例外情況。例外情況指境外交流/實習項目、紀律或公共衛生問題導致的退宿處分,或因疫症、天災、安全問題或社會動蕩關閉宿舍等。
- 你須支付該學期的全部共膳費用。在特殊情況下,書院亦會特事特辦,使學生只須支付部分共膳費用。
- 學生如延長休業期或休學等,可在居住第四年後申請住宿,唯學生事務委員會僅會在有空置宿位的情況下受理。
- 一般而言,修讀內外全科醫學士課程的學生,在臨床學習的最後兩年會居住在威爾士親王醫院所提供宿舍。
*每房每天4.65千瓦時 ~ 每房140千瓦時 x 12個月/365天
- 在獲批休學的情況下,書院可提供四年以後的住宿,但前提須是相關學生的常規修業期限已被大學延長。
- 課程常規修業期限超過四年的學生也許有在第四年之後的住宿需要。一般而言,本例不適用於修讀內外全科醫學士課程的學生,因在臨床學習的最後兩年,威爾士親王醫院通常會提供宿舍。
- 對於超出常規修業期限的學生,獲得宿位機會甚微。
在學期期間,宿位會由院務委員會所批準則分配。詳情請參考此準則“宿舍名額分配指引Guidelines on the Allocation of Hostel Places” (僅限英文版)。
Attendance to communal dining (CD) and College activities is a crucial requirement of passing (PP grade) the non-credit bearing courses (GECW 1000/ 2000/ 3000/ 4000) in College General Education. CD is a mandatory activity for all students enjoying the four-year full residence.
The minimum attendance rates strike a balance between building the college community and the occasional needs of individual students to engage in essential activities during those hours. The attendance requirement is briefly described below. Please refer to the pages about Attendance Requirement and Dining Arrangements for details.
Attendance to HTDs is NOT counted as meal attendance or activity participation.
Students assigned to GECW1000 / 2000/ 3000/ 4000 are required to fulfill an attendance rate of 50% for CDs during the term.
*Students who are not in residence or who are residing beyond four years may participate in some college dinners on a voluntary basis subject to the approval of the College with separate payments.
Students assigned to the above non-credit bearing GE courses are also required to participate in three College accepted activities (for regular meal plan participants), or seven College accepted activities (for students who are exempted from attending CDs for one term with a valid reason approved by the Student Affairs Committee).
Year 1 students are also required to attend the 4 compulsory sessions of Extended Orientation in September for receiving a PP grade for GECW1000 in Term 1.
Attendance Taking
Records of participated College activities: recorded by the College within two weeks upon completion of each activity at Registration and Attendance System (here)
Online Record Form for ‘Self and Significant Others” programme: students to submit by 23 April 2025 (Wed, 5:00 pm) (here)
Online Record Form for Cultural Activities: students to submit by 23 Apr 2025 (Wed, 5:00 pm) (here)
The cost of dining will be based on what the caterer charges. The dining fees for the academic year 2024–25 are as follows:
Dining Fee Per Student | Number of Meals Provided |
Term 1: $0 (meal plan was suspended)
Team 2: $2,283
41 communal dinners and 1 High Table Dinner
College Office
G/F, CW Chu College
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong SAR