
Out of 123 units for a four-year curriculum, there is a General Education (GE) requirement of 21 units, of which 6 units are provided under College GE Programme.

GE Programme at CW Chu College consists of a credit-bearing component and a non-credit bearing component. Current students should refer to updates sent via email (@link email) and/or announced on the CUHK eLearning platform Blackboard.

The credit-bearing component consists of the following courses:

Year 1
(not applicable to Senior Year entrants)
GECW1010 University and Society  3 units
Year 2, 3 or 4 GECW4021 College Project; or GECW4022 College Project (Service) 3 units

The non-credit bearing component includes required non-formal learning (such as Extended Orientation for Year 1 students and communal dining) and voluntary social service.

Year 1, 2, 3, & 4 GECW1000, GECW2000, GECW3000 & GECW4000
Non-formal Learning I, II, III & IV
0 unit
Year 1, 2, 3 or 4 GECW4030 Service 0 unit

College Office
G/F, CW Chu College
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong SAR

電話:(852) 3943 1801

傳真:(852) 3943 1802